dsm magazine

Son Peruchos are back onstage this Friday at the Noce Jazz Club, where they'll showcase their unique fusion of Latin music. The local group includes members from Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic and the United States, and their repertoire crosses at least as many borders of musical genres, infusing the rich heritage of Andean music with rhythms from cumbia,

Des Moines Arts Festival leaders announced that the local mixed-media artist Seso Marentes will be honored as this year’s G. David Hurd Innovator in the Arts. The award is given to individuals or organizations that embody innovation within the arts, and it honors the legacy of the late Hurd, who served as Principal’s CEO.

Few people on earth have spent more time underwater or seen more marine marvels than the award-winning photographer Cristina Mittermeier, who takes a turn in Des Moines Performing Arts’ Explorer Series on May 13 at the Des Moines Civic Center. She grew up in a landlocked city in central Mexico but has spent most of her life on (and under)

People have always used art to express themselves, ever since the first Paleolithic artists scratched something in a cave to recount a hunting story or create a family portrait. As humans have evolved, so have our forms of expression. These days art can depict unique experiences and complex emotions for others to see and feel for themselves. It’s a tool

People have always used art to express themselves, ever since the first Paleolithic artists scratched something in a cave to recount a hunting story or create a family portrait. As humans have evolved, so have our forms of expression. These days art can depict unique experiences and complex emotions for others to see and feel for themselves. It’s a tool


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