Resources for Mental Health Services
Tap into these local sources to find mental health organizations that serve the Greater Des Moines community. This list is not meant to be comprehensive or to provide an endorsement, but to serve as a starting point for more information about nonprofit organizations, health centers and public agencies involved in mental health work.
211Iowa.org A resource guide to mental health services, provided by United Way of Central Iowa. 211Iowa.org
Broadlawns Medical Center Offers comprehensive mental health services for people of all ages, including evaluation and outpatient and inpatient treatment. Broadlawns Psychiatric Urgent Care (1801 Hickman Road) accepts walk-in appointments for adults experiencing an exacerbated mental health condition. Provides mental health assessments, medication management and counseling. broadlawns.org/clinics-and-services/mental-health
Clive Behavioral Health Hospital The first free-standing behavioral health hospital in Iowa, this new facility provides a full range of inpatient and outpatient behavioral health services for adults and children. The hospital is a partnership of MercyOne and Universal Health Services. clivebehavioral.com
Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center Offers counseling and psychotherapy services that are holistic in approach, integrating mind-body-spirit for healing. dmpcc.org
Employee and Family Resources A full-service employee assistance program provider offering a range of counseling and mental health services. efr.org
Eyerly Ball Community Mental Health Service Offers a full continuum of mental health services and treatment, including family and individual counseling as well as outpatient care for all ages. eyerlyball.org
Iowa Association of Community Providers Advocates on behalf of mental health and disability service providers. iowaproviders.org
Make It OK—Iowa A community campaign focused on reducing the stigma of mental illness through open conversation and education. makeitok.org
Mental Health Task Force of Polk County Works collaboratively with community stakeholders to increase mental health literacy, improve access to mental health services, and reduce suicides. mentalhealthpolk.org
MercyOne Behavioral Health Care Offers a wide range of mental health services (1111 Sixth Avenue) to adults and adolescents for most kinds of mental health issues, including grief and loss, anxiety, anger control, depression and stress management. mercyone.org/desmoines
Mindspring Mental Health Alliance Formerly NAMI Greater Des Moines, Mindspring provides mental health education, support and advocacy. mindspringhealth.org
NAMI Iowa Advocates at the county, state and national levels for nondiscriminatory access to quality health care, housing, education and employment for people with mental illness. namiiowa.org.
Optimae Behavioral Health Services Provides individual, couples and family therapy, as well as mental health evaluations, psychiatric medication evaluations and management. optimaelifeservices.com
Polk County Health Services Inc. Provides counseling, support, therapy, medication management, resources and referrals. polk.ia.networkofcare.org
Primary Health Care Offers behavioral health consultants that work with primary care providers and nurses to provide mental health services. phcinc.net
Schuster Behavioral Health Center Part of MercyOne House of Mercy (1409 Clark St.), the new center offers outpatient mental health assessment, therapy, intervention services and medication management. mercyone.org/desmoines/house-of-mercy
UnityPoint Health Provides comprehensive outpatient and inpatient mental health services and programs for adults and children. A walk-in clinic (1250 E. Ninth St.) offers psychiatric evaluation and assessment, addiction support, and community resources. Iowa Lutheran Hospital-UnityPoint is one of Iowa’s largest hospital-based mental health facilities, offering medical care with psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. Also provides child and adolescent psychiatry. unitypoint.org
UCS Healthcare Offers mental health services for anyone in need. Provides medication management and dual diagnosis treatment for those with drug/alcohol addiction. ucsdsm.org
Urban Dreams Partners with Broadlawns Medical Center to provide mental health treatment at its 601 Forest Ave. location. urbandreams.org
Your Life Iowa Funded by the Iowa Department of Public Health under the Division of Behavioral Health, Your Life Iowa provides free, confidential support and connection to resources for those struggling with drugs or alcohol, gambling, or mental health issues. yourlifeiowa.org
1st FIVE Warren County Health Services Public-private partnership that offers child wellness assessments and assists providers in detecting developmental delays and risk factors in young children. healthservices.warrencountyia.org
Children and Families of Iowa Offers a complete range of mental health services. Mental health professionals help families develop goals, structure and positive living environments. cfiowa.org
ChildServe Provides comprehensive assessments and diagnoses, therapy, and education opportunities focused on children and families. childserve.org
Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center C.O.O.L. Children Overcoming the Obstacles of Life is the center’s program for counseling children and adolescents in a safe and nurturing space. dmpcc.org
Mosaic Family Counseling Center Offers multiple kinds of therapy and interventions, including trauma therapy, tele-mental-health therapy and behavioral health interventions for individuals, families, couples and children. mosaicfamilyinc.com
Orchard Place Provides mental health services for children, including residential, outpatient, in-home, community-based and care coordination programs. orchardplace.org
Please Pass the Love Strives to increase school mental health supports to improve the quality of life and educational opportunities for children, families and educators. pleasepassthelove.org
Youth Emergency Services and Shelter of Iowa Provides mental health evaluations, counseling, behavioral health integrative services and other mental health support to individuals and families, including homeless outreach counseling to youths already at the shelter. yessiowa.org
YSS Provides children and families experiencing behavioral and mental health issues with counseling and therapy services, evaluation, assessment, and diagnosis. yss.org
Eating Disorder Coalition of Iowa Centralizes resources for prevention, tools and hope for Iowans affected by eating disorders. edciowa.org
HCBS Habilitation Services Program A program of the Iowa Department of Human Services that provides home and community- based services for Iowans with the functional impairments typically associated with chronic mental illnesses. dhs.iowa.gov
Iowa Safe Schools Works to increase the personal safety, mental health and student learning of LGBTQ students through public awareness, education and policy. iowasafeschools.org
Unity Point Clinic LGBTQ—Methodist Plaza Serves the specific health care needs of the LGBTQ community, including mental health care (1221 Pleasant St., Suite 200). unitypoint.org
Ask Resource Center Provides information, advocacy, support, training, and direct services for children and adults with disabilities and their families. askresource.org
Autism Society of Iowa Provides advocacy and information to individuals with autism spectrum disorders; also a resource for families and professionals. autismia.org
Broadlawns Mobile Crisis Provides short-term crisis management for children and adults experiencing a mental health crisis. Assists law enforcement with mental health-related calls. Crisis line: 515-282-5752. broadlawns.org
Cameron Carico + 10 Foundation Promotes healthy students and families through suicide prevention and mental health education. ccplus10.org
Clerk of the District Court—Mental Health Division Assists with securing involuntary hospitalization of the mentally ill or those with substance abuse issues. iowacourts.gov
Iowa Disaster Behavioral Health Response Team Part of the Iowa Department of Human Services, the team mobilizes to provide post-disaster mental health services statewide. iowadbhrt.org
Iowa Crisis Chat Online and phone resource for suicide prevention and mental health support. 855-325-4296; iowacrisischat.org
National Crisis Text Line
Text “TALK” TO 741741
National Suicide Hotline
800-273-TALK (8255)
Polk County Health Services—Children’s Crisis Services Mental Health System Provides information and resources on children’s crisis services in the mental health system. pchsia.org/childrensmentalhealth
Your Life Iowa Crisis Hotline